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Lower Manhattan - Pre-War 800 square feet Apartment tour with Juliette

November's weather in NYC was record breaking warm and a home tour with Juliette Von Hess from @minimax_life put the icing on the cake. Juliette's pre-war one bedroom apartment in Lower Manhattan is cozy and filled with unique details. When you step into her home you enter a narrow, long foyer with exposed brick walls and high ceilings. The best part about living in NYC is that each apartment tells a different story. Check out our live home tour on instagram: @tanika_nyclifestyle

Juliette's Take on Living in NYC

1.  As a native NY'er what inspired you to pick your current rented apartment ?  

I work in all the boroughs of New York so this location was perfect. It’s near the path, LIRR and all the trains. I can get anywhere in about 20 minutes. I also love the West Village area but couldn’t quite afford that so the border of Chelsea/West Village was perfect. 

2. What inspires you to create a functional, stylish small space?

I've always admired a well organized home since I was young. I have been a professional organizers for 18 years now and practice my own methods at home. It’s part OCD and part of my interior design background. 

3. Name 5 elements that are essential in your home

1. Yummy smelling candles & diffusers.

2. A place for everything - my little containers, baskets and  vessels hold everything & add to my space. 

3. Lots of varying texture. My choices in anything I buy for my home, including my furniture and textiles will vary in fabric and print. Since I have a mainly neutral color palette preference, this helps  create depth and interest.

4. Varying lights for my mood ( sconces, ceiling and even electric candles in my wall mount fireplace).

5. Hats and hooks.

4. How would you describe your design aesthetic?

Organic and cozy.

5. Name your favorite items in your apartment and tell us why?

1. I love my vintage leather directors chair. It folds up and was a gift from a client. I just adore it.

2. My hat wall.  I switch it seasonally and it reminds me of places I’ve traveled. 

3. My kitchen sink. I’ve always had a small sink in NYC and no dishwasher so having this big beautiful sink and easy to use faucet, makes me hate doing dishes a bit less. 

4. My coffee table. It was my biggest investment and really makes me happy. It’s my statement piece. 

6. Do you prefer dining in or going out?

I mostly dine in as I cook a lot and like knowing what’s in my food. I adore going out but it’s usually a treat. 

7.  Would you ever leave NYC and if so, where would you go?

I've left twice to Austin and Miami and yes, I would leave again, but not likely ever give up my place. 

8.  Where have you traveled that inspired your home decor?

I always love hotels for their minimal essentials. I have found a lot of inspiration when I lived in Texas, traveled to Spain and I am constantly taking note of all interiors when I dine in. I really miss that this year. 

9.  List your favorite places to go in NYC

I love a good bike ride along the Hudson. Pre COVID I was a big fan of working at a bunch of cafes on my highlight reel of fav NYC spots. During this past year I really liked the vibe in Williamsburg and the Lower East Side.

10. Can you suggest any small space hacks that are resourceful?

1. I love using sticky shelves for spices, vitamins, bathroom items , etc., use your cabinet doors!

2. Stack everything. All my bed linens, toiletries, clothing are all in containers or bins. Even my pots and pans are in a stackable method. It keeps things together and utilizes height.

3.  Hang hooks and use baskets on them for a catch all spot for mail, keys, clearing your paper work from the table at the end of the day. 

4. Closed storage is your friend! I know we all like to display things but if you don’t have lots of closets; open shelves take away space.

5. Hire me lol I find space everywhere.

11.  Coffee or tea?

Both but mostly coffee. 

Let's Take a Peek Inside of Juliette's Home


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